Involving students and households in Copenhagen, Denmark

Roadmapping workshops were successful in September 2019 in Copenhagen with the involvement of students from the international BA programme in Global Nutrition and Health. All households were informed about solutions they could implement and the benefits of such. It was regarded rewarding to work together on finding and implementing sustainable solutions for their lives. Motivating participants to behavioural change was an important part of the project process. The students included principles of behavioural change theory to motivate participants in sustaining their behavioural change. The calculations for the roadmapping workshop were based on what the participants were already doing, to let them feel competent and in control. To enhance their autonomy, participants themselves chose changes they could implement for the test period. For the participants to feel related, a Facebook group was created to encourage the participants to share their progress, relate to and motivate each other, after the completion of the roadmapping workshop. The students’ involvement was a great way to use the competencies of the students while also ensuring that they could use the experience from the workshop in their academic work.

* Photo: University College Copenhagen